Мы немного изменили элементы на странице с фильмом таким образом, чтобы кинолюбителям было максимально удобно найти всю необходимую информацию о фильме, посмотреть его онлайн, скачать или использовать другой многочисленный функционал нашего сайта. Основное нововведение - плеер для онлайн просмотра расположен вверху страницы.
Теперь возможности меню "Избранное" пополнились новым разделом "Интересы", который открывает новые широкие уникальные возможности и непременно порадует любого киномана.
turutu....i can`t think anymore - about things and people nailed to the ground... I inhaled your air and remembered her... the first our slow dance... but most probably I remembered myself... (I'm not here)))...
about things and people nailed to the ground... I inhaled your air and remembered herself... the first our slow dance... but most probably I remembered myself... (I'm not here)))... - memory ( and i have terrible headache...and i want something i don`t know... oh... it`s second horrible day... in succession. The most terrible; it`s all because of me )
memory ( and i have terrible headache...and i want something i don`t know... oh... it`s second horrible day... in succession. The most terrible; it`s all because of me ) - secret places (your power is continuation of your weakness (you don't forget)... and vice versa) .............. 3:30... Sasha, sweet dreams and rest...
secret places (your power is continuation of your weakness (you don't forget)... and vice versa) - great secrets ( O_o// it`s terrible... and im going to sleep)
O_O i knew this.... ( yea...xD..i was sleeping all the day... almost ) - Significance (I have to fall in bed now or I'll fall asleep on keyboard... bye-bye ^.^)))
O_O i understood nothing - lost thread (hm... it's strange))... well... What interesting films on your taste of course have you seen for the last time?)
lost thread (hm... it's strange))... well... What interesting films on your taste of course have you seen for the last time?) - em... yea.. i think i`ve lost it(( i so...kings speech.... and i`m going to see that film)) comedy
em... yea.. i think i`ve lost it(( i so...kings speech.... and i`m going to see that film)) comedy - "Oscar" (The figurine represents the knight with a sword standing on the tape reel...)
"Winner" (We are the champions, my friend...) - Cup (The heavy winner's cup was filled by a champagne up to brim) : P - Wine ( you have to drink it to the dregs)
Wine ( you have to drink it to the dregs) - bottom (It's very dangerous to joke to people especially with unknown... it's much more safely to lower on a bottom in a survival suit and tell jokes to fishes... small fishes...) http://smayly.net.ru/gallery/anime/pictures/PerfectWorldBea…"/>
bottom (It's very dangerous to joke to people especially with unknown... it's much more safely to lower on a bottom in a survival suit and tell jokes to fishes... small fishes...) - blotto (It`s so boring..especially after the cup... )
blotto (It`s so boring..especially after the cup... ) - talkative (There is a devastation for sure after achievement of top... It's necessary to search for new stimulus...)